What it means
School employees reported smelling livestock odors outdoors at 47 schools (21%). They could smell these odors inside at 19 schools (8%). Employees at low-income schools noticed livestock smells more often than employees at high-income schools.
Hog facilities and livestock odors affect low-income schools more often than high-income schools. Low-income children have higher asthma levels.
Livestock odor may disrupt activities when it reaches classrooms. Students and staff members may become anxious because they cannot avoid the odor. Students with a history of breathing problems may have concerns about the effects of the odors.
Livestock odor may make some schools less appealing to new teachers and staff. Parents and volunteers could be less involved because of the odor. The odors from hog facilities could also decrease the use of school facilities for community purposes.
Livestock odor at schools shows that pollution from hog facilities reaches far beyond the property boundaries of the facility. The odor raises concerns about the health risks of hog facilities near schools.